How To Elevate Your Mountain Style

Elevate Your Mountain Style Elevated Wellness Less Is More Mountain Style Retail Therapy

How To Elevate Your Mountain Style

Colorado is a beautiful and amazing state. We are so fortunate to be able to enjoy our spectacular surroundings whether in the city or in the mountains. However, a challenge presents itself while living in or visiting the mountains when adverse weather conditions present themselves. Specifically, I am referring to the problem of how to maintain a sense of personal style while walking through a foot of freshly fallen snow. My experience having grown up in the mountains of Colorado is that the weather should not be a factor in exhibiting a true sense of style. I remember as a...

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"Stones of Hope"

Time is a gift not to be wasted. Some beautiful soul in Eagle spent their precious time creating small “Stones of Hope” to offer encouragement to the rest of us! As I enjoy my daily walks around Eagle, I stumbled upon these beautiful stones filled with hopeful thoughts in an uncertain world. I hope in sharing them with you that they will lift your spirits on this quiet Easter weekend.  Enjoy & God Bless! Rondi View this post on Instagram Time is a gift not to be wasted. Some beautiful soul in Eagle spent their precious time creating small “Stones...

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Unprecedented Times...

Unprecedented Times...

Dear Friends, As we finish our second full week of being closed, we have chosen the mindset of gratefulness that our family and friends are safe and healthy. While nobody knew that this situation was going to happen, we are also taking advantage of the precious "Gift of Time" and redirecting our efforts elsewhere. To us this means spending more time on internal changes (reading, praying, decluttering); and external changes like launching our website.  Going forward means not only continuing with our brick & mortar store in Edwards, Colorado, but also delving into the world wide web with an online...

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